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[23] Chen Weihong, Zhong Xi*, & Lan Hailin. Innovation for survival: The scope of negative attainment discrepancy and enterprise R&D investment [J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2023, 108: 190-204. (SSCI-Q1)
[24] Chen Weihong, Zhong, Xi*, & Lv David Diwei. Negative performance feedback, CEO tenure, and punctuated equilibrium innovation [J]. R&D Management, 2022, 52(3): 564-576. (SSCI-Q2)
[25] Chen Weihong, Zhong Xi*, Andrew Delios, & Lan Hailin. Performance shortfall, executive social relations and the choice between shared and full control for new overseas entries [J]. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2024: (prepublish). (SSCI-Q1)
[26] Chen Weihong, Zhong Xi*, & Lan Hailin. Performance shortfall scope and emerging economy enterprises' overseas R&D [J]. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2023, 59(9): 2954-2966. (SSCI-Q1)
[27] Chen Weihong, Lv David Diwei*, Wong Christina W.Y.. Corporate environmental efforts, government environmental subsidies, and corporate non-environmental R&D intensity: Evidence from listed firms [J]. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2023, 32(4): 1321-1333. (SSCI-Q2)
[28] Chen Weihong, Chen Chen, & Xiong Xiaoguo*. Top management team faultlines and corporate industrial diversification: the mediating role of strategic attentional breadth [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14: 1102192. (SSCI-Q1)
[29] Chen Weihong, Zhong Xi*, & Lan Hailin. Does CEO openness matter when explaining firm internationalization decisions: Evidence from China [J]. International Journal of Emerging Markets. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-01-2022-0031 (SSCI-Q2)
[30] Chen Weihong, Zhong Xi*, Lan Hailin, & Li Zhiyuan. “Accelerating” and “jumping” internationalization: CEO career horizon, board supervision ability and corporate internationalization process [J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2020, 14(3): 587-612. (SSCI-Q4)
[31] Lv David Diwei, Zhu Hang, Chen Weihong*, & Lan Hailin. Negative performance feedback and firm cooperation: How multiple upward social comparisons affect firm cooperative R&D [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 132: 872-883. (SSCI-Q1)
[32] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. The effects of performance shortfalls on firms' exploitation and exploration R&D internationalization decisions: Does industry environmental matter? [J]. Technovation, 2022, 112: 102408. (SSCI-Q1; SCI-Q1)
[33] Zhong Xi, Song Tiebo, & Chen Weihong*. Persistent innovation underperformance and firms' R&D internationalization: The moderating effects of multidimensional TMT human capital [J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2022, 102: 576-587. (SSCI-Q1)
[34] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. The impact of corporate social irresponsibility on emerging-economy firms' long-term performance: An explanation based on signal theory [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2022, 144: 345-357. (SSCI-Q1)
[35] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. Continuous innovation failure, top management team relational capital and the overseas R&D activities of companies in emerging economies [J]. Industry and Innovation, 2022, 29(5): 623-648. (SSCI-Q1)
[36] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. The impact of innovation aspiration shortfall and CEO origin on emerging economy firms' international expansion: Evidence from China [J]. International Marketing Review, 2022, 39(6): 1309-1330. (SSCI-Q2)
[37] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. External tournament incentives and corporate social irresponsibility [J]. European Management Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/emre.12598 (SSCI-Q3)
[38] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*. Learning through exploitative and exploratory overseas R&D: Impacts on EMNEs' innovation performance [J]. International Journal of Emerging Markets. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-12-2021-1811 (SSCI-Q2)
[39] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. How and when economic policy uncertainty influences firms' strategic change: the role of CEO turnover and organizational inertia [J]. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023, 18(10): 3640-3656. (SSCI-Q2)
[40] Zhong Xi, Song Tiebo, & Chen Weihong*. Can R&D internationalization improve EMNES' innovation efficiency? The moderating effects of TMT human capital [J]. Baltic Journal of Management, 2021, 16(2): 190-207. (SSCI-Q3)
[41] Zhong Xi, Chen Weihong*, & Ren Ge. Curvilinear effect of economic policy uncertainty on innovation in Chinese manufacturing firms: Do managerial pay gaps matter? [J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2023, 17(4): 701-717. (SSCI-Q4)