  • Faculty


    Yuxue Sheng

    Position:Associate Professor
    Research Interests:Regional Economics、 Spatial Econometrics
    Educational Background

    Doctor of Economics (2015), Nankai University, School of Economics

    Joint PhD (2014), (USA) Texas State University, McCoy College Business

    Master of Economics (2011), Nankai University, Institute of Economic and Social Development;

    Bachelor of Engineering (2009), Nankai University, School of Information Technology and Science

    Work Experience

    2021.08-present  School of Economics, Guangxi University

    2019.03-2021.07  Business School of Guangxi University

    2016.08-2017.08 Development and Reform Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

    2015.07-2019.02 China-ASEAN Research Institute of Guangxi University

    Granted Projects

    1. The Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science project, 16YJC790088, A Study of Regional Innovation Environment Effects from a Spatial Spillover Perspective, 2016-2018.

    2. The Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71803034, Human capital allocation and coordinated regional development: a multilevel spatial perspective, 2019-2021.


    1. LeSage, J. (Sheng Y. & Chih Y.-Y., Trans.). (2024). Applied Spatial Econometrics: A Panel Data Toolbox for MATLAB. Beijing, China: Peking University Press.

    2. Sheng, Y., LeSage, J.P. (2021). A spatial regression methodology for exploring the role of regional connectivity in knowledge production: Evidence from Chinese regions, Papers in Regional Science, 100(4): 847-874.

    3. Sheng, Y., LeSage, J.P.(2021). Interpreting spatial regression models with multiplicative interaction explanatory variables. Journal of Geographical Systems, 23(3): 333–360.

    4.Zhao J., Zhang Z., Sheng Y. (2020). Study on the driving factors and adaptive characteristics of the regional distribution of higher vocational education in China. Journal of the National School of Education Administration, (10): 78-85.

    5. Sheng Y., Zhao J., and Jiang C.(2018). Research on the Spatial Correlation of Interprovincial Employment Flow of College Graduates in China. Peking University Education Review, 1: 159-178.

    5. Sheng Y., LeSage J. City and Industry Network Impacts on Innovation by Chinese Manufacturing Firms: A Hierarchical Spatial-Interindustry Model, in Badi H. Baltagi , James P. Lesage , R. Kelley Pace (ed.) Spatial Econometrics: Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variables (Advances in Econometrics, Volume 37) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016: 343–386.

    Honors and Awards

    Second Prize of the 16th Guangxi Social Science Outstanding Achievements, 2020

    The 26th "Good Teacher in My Mind" of Guangxi University, 2022

    Teaching Courses

    Microeconomics, Experimental Economics

  • ADD:No.100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China


    Email: gsc@gxu.edu.cn
