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    China-ASEAN School of Economics Inaugurated by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

    • Updated:2024-05-02
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    On 28 April, Li Changguan, Vice Chairman of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, announced the establishment of the School of Economics of China-ASEAN during his visit to the exhibition of China-ASEAN Economic Talent Cultivation and Scientific Research Achievements. He encouraged the school to pursue speciality and excellence and to play a more significant role in contributing to the opening-up and co-operation with the outside world.


    The establishment of China-ASEAN School of Economics of Guangxi University is an important initiative action to actively serve the construction of a closer China-ASEAN community of destiny, which is achieved by the cooperation between the Ministry and the region to meet the requirements of President Xi Jinping's major strategies for Guangxi.

    China-ASEAN School of Economics is located in Guangxi University. Based on the integration of the School of Economics, and International College related resources, the school is established with the cooperation of distinguishing domestic universities. The  goal is to build a college with "three bases, one think tank and one centre", that is China-ASEAN regional international talent training base, ASEAN-focused regional country research base, China-ASEAN industry-teaching integration, science and education integration base, China-ASEAN featured think tank, and China-ASEAN information exchange centre.

    "The inauguration is only the first step in a long journey." said the person chiefly in charge, addressing that it will further highlight the speciality and advantages of ASEAN schooling and take this as an opportunity to promote the  joint building and improving the "Applied Economics and Modern Service Industry Discipline Cluster" and thus move towards the world's first-class disciplines, and inject a new impetus for the development of China - ASEAN relations.

    After the inauguration ceremony, the first "China - ASEAN Economic Lecture" was held in Hui Xue Hall of Guangxi University. Zheng Xinli, former deputy director of the Central Policy Research Office of the Communist Party of China, Hu Suojin, Xia Fei and other famous domestic experts made reports for the 150 present representatives of teachers and students of Guangxi University, talking about deepening China-ASEAN economic open cooperation and building China-ASEAN community of destiny.


    Translated by:Fang Hu

    Edited by:Yeqiu Li

    Source:Guangxi University.https://news.gxu.edu.cn/info/1002/41533.htm 【Accessed 1 May 2024】

  • ADD:No.100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China


    Email: gsc@gxu.edu.cn
